Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Learning Styles

      Learning Style is the way an individual learns weather it be through Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic. I am a very visual learner myself. Being a Visual learner means that I learn by viewing charts, diagrams or pictures more easily than listening. I'm also a hands-on or Kinesthetic learner, which means I like to watch someone demonstrate and then try it for myself. Being an Auditory learner means that someone has a better time learning if something is explained in detail to them, or if they read directions. 
      Most people are all three learning styles in different situations. For example, if there are pictures to go along with a lecture, I would be listening while looking at the pictures. At that moment, I would be considered an Auditory and Visual learner. During a different class; such as Art, I would be considered a Visual and Kinesthetic learner because I would watch the teacher draw something, and then draw it myself.

Please post your results in the Comments! 

  My results:
  • Visual: 14
  • Aural: 3
  • Read/Write: 5
  • Kinesthetic: 8

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